Caregiver Trending Podcast Episode Guide

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Welcome to the Caregiver Trending podcast, featuring discussions on caregiving topics, interviews with thought leaders, and expert advice for caregivers from Homethrive’s in-house Care Guides.

Season 1

Episode 1: Bracing for the Caregiver Shortfall

The population of seniors in the U.S. is about shift significantly, which could leave many aging adults with inadequate care in their golden years, or sometimes, no care at all.

Although this topic is often discussed in terms of the future, we are nevertheless beginning to see shortages in paid caregiving staff already, leaving family members to pick up the slack. Today, we discuss what to expect as the silver tsunami approaches, and how we can prepare to care for our loved ones.

Episode 2: Parenthood: Disability and Invisibility feat. Unseen Documentary Crew

The award-winning documentary Unseen gives an unfiltered, honest glimpse into the parent caregivers that so often go ignored or unsupported as they raise children with disabilities.

Today, we have some of the filmmakers on the podcast to go behind-the-scenes on the making of the documentary, and what they’ve learned about the families that so often go Unseen.

Episode 3: Summer for the Sandwich Generation

Characterized as the group of people responsible for both the care of children under the age of 18 and the care of an aging parent or parents over the age of 65, the sandwich generation shoulders the financial, logistical, and emotional challenge of caregiving across generations.

Today, we discuss how this demographic is affected by their dual role, and how, despite the added responsibilities of the summer, they can lighten their load and get out of the house for some much needed rest and relaxation.

Episode 4: Forgotten Twice: Caregiving for Dementia feat. Zander Keig

Our guest today has done it all. Zander Keig is a consultant, trainer, social worker, and speaker. He is co-founder of the LGBTQ Caregivers Center, host of the Umbrella Hour Podcast, and the owner of Third Space Press.

A proud Coast Guard veteran, he has received multiple awards and honors, including the 2023 LGBTQIA Advocate of the Year, the 2020 NASW National Social Worker of the Year, and the 2018 NASW CA Social Worker of the Year.

Today, we hear how, in addition to everything else, Zander became a caregiver for his father as he began to show signs of dementia.

Episode 5: The Office Politics of Caregiving

There are over 50 million caregivers in the United States today, responsible for the care of an aging adult or a child with complex medical needs. But many of them, despite the added stress and pressure of the role, will not inform their team at work.

Today, we discuss how caregivers make some of the most effective employees, but only if given the right flexible and understanding leadership and work environment. We also learn that the level of support from a supervisor or the amount of  autonomy in a job position can significantly impact not only a employee’s stress level and overall mental and physical health, but the people they are caregiving for as well.

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