The Caregiving Crisis – And How Talent Leaders Can Help

“The Great Resignation” has become a popular catchphrase for all the wrong reasons. You might be seeing it in your own companies; long-time, valued employees suddenly hanging it up, leaving you with gaping holes to fill. According to Microsoft’s Work Trend Index 2021 report, 41% of workers are considering quitting their jobs because they feel overworked and exhausted.   

Many of those are among the 20% of American workers providing unpaid care to a loved one who is aging or who has special needs, so it should be no surprise that many companies are recognizing this trend in their own ranks. 

Nearly 70% of employees hide their caregiving responsibilities from their employers. As the on-going pandemic is exacerbating this crisis, it’s becoming more commonplace to talk about it; work-from-home has provided a window into employee responsibilities outside of the office, removing the stigma and providing some relief. 

Learn more about how you can help your own team navigate this balancing act and read what Homethrive Co-CEO and Co-Founder David Greenberg writes in Talent Management. 

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