Suffering in silence

“They’re suffering in silence.” 

Homethrive co-founder Dave Jacobs’ description of how many unpaid caregivers are feeling. 

“When it comes to caring for aging loved ones, they don’t talk about it,” he says. 

Jacobs and Homethrive co-CEO, David Greenberg, discussed the topic on a recent episode of “B-time with Beth Bierbower.” 

Jacobs says many unpaid caregivers are spending, in some cases, upwards of 20 hours a week assisting aging loved ones instead focusing on their work. 

A recent Homethrive employee caregiver survey  examined the dilemma. 

“It’s a big productivity issue,” says Jacobs.  “It’s a huge source of stress.  Organizations that are very concerned about improving the mental health of their employees are starting to focus on this.” 

Jacobs says another impact, that might not be overly obvious to those employers, is on the diversity of an organization. 

“This affects many women, but it affects women more,” says Jacobs.  “A lot of women left the workforce during COVID and this was one of the contributing factors.” 

Greenberg says the caregiving crisis shows no signs of slowing. 

“This is somewhat like gravity,” he says.   It’s inevitable.  What we’re trying to do is solve for that problem.” 

Chances are very good that many of your employees are in this boat, but you don’t know it.   

Offering them a caregiving benefit, such as Homethrive, could provide them a life preserver as they navigate their caregiving journey. 

Recently, Homethrive launched Dari, a high-touch, high-tech digital assistant to expand our reach even further. 

“Where now, we’re helping thousands of members, with Dari we can actually help millions of people,” Greenberg says. 

So, whether it’s giving your team access to the expertise of one of our social workers (we call them Care Guides), to our one-of-a-kind digital coach, or to both, make sure your employees aren’t “suffering in silence.”

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